The hard copy editions are in black and white, but the electronic version has over 500 original full-colour illustrations. In the new printed editions illustrations are located at the beginning of each “book” of the Bible. In the electronic version you will find illustrations spread through the Bible, whatever the type of writing. They are a reminder to the reader not to miss any part of the Bible. There are no titles or labels, so to understand them better it is important to read the text beside or around them. They invite readers to study the text and seek to evoke a response. The illustrator is Andy Bisgrove, who lives and works in Essex, UK. He has a young family. Andy has travelled the world, living and working in both the Far East and the Caribbean. His multi-cultural experiences and life-style have endowed him with a world-view that radiates through his work. The selection of illustrations here shows Andy’s versatility. For a medium sized illustration double click on the image and to enlarge this further double click again, to return to the website page press the back arrow on your browser.
- Genesis 11 Tower of Babel
- Genesis 15 God
- Genesis 19 The destruction of Sodom
- Genesis 22 Abraham offers Isaac for sacrifice
- Exodus 1 The Israelites enslaved in Egypt
- Exodus 14 Moses parts the Red Sea
- Exodus 20 The Ten Commandments
- Leviticus 12 Mother and child
- Numbers 9 The tabernacle
- Deuteronomy 2 Desert wandering
- Joshua 6 The destruction of Jericho
- Judges 16 Samson
- 1 Samuel 6 The ark of God is taken away
- 2 Samuel 11 Bathsheba
- 1 Chronicles 16 King David rejoices
- Ezra 9 A prayer in distress
- Nehemiah 12 Musicians celebrate the restoration
- Job 23 Job in agony
- Psalm 23 The valley of the shadow of death
- Ps 98 Sailing ships
- Proverbs 5 The lady at the window
- Isaiah 53 The suffering servant
- Jeremiah 44 Measuring compasses
- Daniel 3 The writing on the wall
- Jonah 2 Jonah in the great fish
- Micah 5 Bethlehem, city of David
- Matthew 4 The fisher of men
- Matthew 5 The sermon on the mount
- Matthew 14 Peter walks on water
- Mark 1 The baptism of Jesus
- Mark 10 Jesus and young children
- Mark 12 Money for the temple treasury
- Luke 9 Five loaves and two fish
- Luke 15 The widow
- John 11 Lazarus returns to life
- John 19 The purple robe
- Acts 2 Pentecost
- Acts 20 Roman grain ship
- Colossians 1 Christ above all
- I Timothy 2 The cross
- Hebrews 9 Entrance to the holy place
- Revelation 3 Jesus knocks at the door
- Revelation 21 The city of God